Posts tagged gratitude
Sharing Gratitude at Work: 6 Steps.

I believe that company cultures, as well as individuals, can reinvent themselves to be more human, more relational, and more in accordance with our nature. I mentor leaders to be connected to self, others and the natural world. This web of connections allows my clients to have a steady flow of confident decision making and creativity.  (See the 6 steps below here)

Gratitude is one of the foundational practices of how I lead my companies and what I teach my clients. Gratitude in the workplace now appears in headlines, primarily because ...

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Conscious Business Culture Workshop

Right from the start of the opening circle addressing, "why are you here?", attendees brought forth company culture challenges.  

How do we remain true to the original values,
as venture capital comes in and the business scales?

A rich discussion about the survival strategies of indigenous cultures ensued, drawing valuable lessons about adaptability, resilience and innovation.  If they didn’t have...

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